2023 PCB Conference Underwriting Opportunities

2023 PCB Conference Underwriting Opportunities

Community Hero — $2,500

PCB seeks a Community Hero to underwrite all promotion of the 2023 PCB Conference. Your contribution will be used to cover PCB’s costs related to creating and distributing a monthly podcast highlighting the upcoming conference, paid advertising of the conference via digital media, and preparation and direct mail distribution of conference registration materials and event program in braille, large print, and audio formats. As PCB’s Community Hero, your company’s brand will be promoted in all of PCB’s conference marketing including promotion to the thousands of members of the American Council of the Blind.

  • Weekly Promotion of Company’s Underwriting on PCB Social Media (Twitter and Facebook)
  • Monthly Promotion of Company’s Underwriting on Mailchimp Blast
  • 5 (30-second) Podcast Tags before the Conference
  • 1 20-minute Interview on Pre-Conference Podcast
  • 75-Word Product/Service Announcement in Preregistration Materials
  • 3 Weeks of Company Underwriting Promotion in Conference Facebook Ads
  • 6 In-Conference Tags (30 seconds)
  • 150-Word Program Announcement
  • Company Logo & Promotion on Program Outside Back Cover
  • Corporate Link on PCB1.org
  • 2 30-minute Prerecorded Virtual Exhibits Replayed throughout Conference Weekend during Non-presentation Hours
  • 1 60-Minute Live Interaction Opportunity during the Conference


Community Builder — $1,500

PCB seeks underwriting at the Community Builder level to expand the reach of our conference and build its impact within the vision loss community. This contribution will be used to enhance access to the conference and its life-changing content by providing toll-free phone access, offsetting event registration fees, and enabling live streaming of the conference. With your support, we can bring our amazing conference content to members of the blind and visually impaired community across the country who are not able to afford a registration fee or who do not have access to long-distance calling.

  • Weekly Promotion of Company’s Underwriting on PCB Social Media (Twitter and Facebook)
  • 4 (30-second) Podcast Tags before the Conference
  • 1 10-minute Interview on Pre-Conference Podcast
  • 75-Word Product/Service Announcement in Preregistration Materials
  • 5 In-Conference Tags (30 seconds)
  • 150-Word Program Announcement
  • Company Logo & Promotion on Program Inside Back Cover
  • Corporate Link on PCB1.org
  • 30-minute Prerecorded Virtual Exhibit Replayed throughout Conference Weekend during Non-presentation Hours
  • 1 60-Minute Live Interaction Opportunity during the Conference


Community Organizer — $1,000

Underwriters who contribute at the Community Organizer level are vital to assist PCB in archiving conference content through the creation of transcripts and audio files. Your support will allow PCB to distribute this content post-conference on our website, through our social media, via our audio information line, and through the American Council of the Blind’s podcast feed. With your underwriting, many others will be able to benefit from our conference content in the future.

  • Monthly Promotion of Company’s Underwriting on PCB Social Media (Twitter and Facebook)
  • 3 (30-second) Podcast Tags before the Conference
  • 1 5-minute Interview on Pre-Conference Podcast
  • 4 In-Conference Tags (30 seconds)
  • 150-Word Program Announcement
  • Corporate Link on PCB1.org
  • 30-minute Prerecorded Virtual Exhibit Replayed throughout Conference Weekend during Non-presentation Hours
  • 1 30-Minute Live Interaction Opportunity during the Conference

Community Advocate — $500

PCB seeks conference underwriters at the Community Advocate level to support the coordination of special programs which will require extra supplies and preparation. Your company may choose which event it would like to underwrite: A particular presentation during the conference,2023 Awards Banquet, or New to Statewide Activities Lunchtime Lounge. Your company will receive special recognition during the event along with the acknowledgements listed below.

  • 3 In-Conference Tags (30 seconds)
  • 75-Word Program Announcement
  • Corporate Link on PCB1.org
  • 30-minute Prerecorded Virtual Exhibit Replayed throughout Conference Weekend during Non-presentation Hours
  • 2 (30-second) Podcast Tags before the Conference
  • 1 30-Minute Live Interaction Opportunity during the Conference
  • special sponsorship connection to one of the conference presentations or2023 Awards Banquet, or New to Statewide Activities Lunchtime Lounge.


Community Supporter — $250

PCB seeks underwriters at the Community Supporter level to provide financial assistance for the 2023 PCB Conference. Your support will be used to defray the administrative expenses related to staffing and online processing for the event.

  • 2 In-Conference Tags (30 seconds)
  • 75-Word Program Announcement
  • Corporate Link on PCB1.org
  • 30-minute Prerecorded Virtual Exhibit Replayed throughout Conference Weekend during Non-presentation Hours

Complete the 2023 PCB Conference Underwriter and Exhibitor Registration Form

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