2023 PCB Conference Exhibiting Opportunities

2023 PCB Conference Exhibiting Opportunities

Note: The for-profit rate is listed first, followed by the nonprofit/peer rate.

Complimentary Listing:

Each exhibitor who purchases at least one of the following opportunities will receive a complimentary listing of their company name, phone, email, and website in the Conference Program.


Conference Program Announcement:

This year PCB offers the opportunity to place text-based product and service announcements in the Conference Program, which is made accessible to all registrants in braille, large print, email Word file, Daisy audio, and on PCB1.org. The link to the online Conference Program will be distributed to the community at large via Mailchimp e-blast, Facebook, Twitter, and the American Council of the Blind listservs. Three word-length options are available.

Feature 150-word max. (Approx. 20 lines in 18 pt.) $100 / $75

Brief 75-word max. (Approx. 10 lines in 18 pt.) $70 / $52.50

Nugget 35-word max (Approx. 5 lines in 18 pt.) $40 / $30


Prerecorded Virtual Exhibit:

PCB will stream prerecorded virtual exhibits beginning at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, October 26 and repeated in a loop throughout overnights and during non-presentation times. Exhibits will be streamed on the ACB Media Network which can be heard around the world via the web, various streaming apps, Amazon devices, Victor Reader Streams, ACBLink app, and dedicated analog phone line. This opportunity provides maximum exposure for your company.

Prerecorded Exhibit Promo (30 min. max) $125 / $93.75

Prerecorded Exhibit Promo (15 min. max) $75 / $56.25


Live Interactive Exhibit:

PCB offers two opportunities for you to discuss your products or services with conference attendees. We will provide you with a dedicated time on the schedule to connect with potential customers on our Zoom platform. This is an excellent way to introduce a new service, demo a product, gather consumer feedback, or answer customer questions.

Live Interactive Exhibit (60 min.) $200 / $150

Live Interactive Exhibit (30 min.) $160 / $120


Complete the 2023 PCB Conference Underwriter and Exhibitor Registration Form

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